Doula and Birth Photography Services

All-Inclusive Prenatal, On-Call, Labor & Birth, and Postpartum Support as outlined below:
(This is a general guide, as specifics will depend on which doula package you purchase.)


Prenatal Support Includes:

A. Providing either informational handouts in binder form AND/OR a copy of “Preparing For Birth,” a journal full of information, discussion points, and positive affirmations. These resources can be used both as a guide for your doula appointments and for couples to grow together during their pregnancy as they talk through their desires and priorities.

B: Providing evidence-based information to you and answering any pertinent questions you may have about pregnancy, labor, and childbirth, as necessary. If any questions require an answer outside the scope of a doula, I will direct you to ask your medical care provider.

C: Communicating with you about updates and relevant details about your pregnancy or doctor/midwife visits. Plus, listening to your concerns or fears and providing reassurance or encouragement or other emotional support, as needed, via messaging or phone calls.

D: Meeting to discuss your wishes for labor and birth, creating your birth plan, guidance with packing your birth bag, possibly teaching spinning babies exercises, practicing labor positions, getting familiar with the Kaya birth stool, the rebozo and the TENS unit, if desired, answering any questions you may have, and helping you feel prepared for what to expect during your delivery. These items will be covered during scheduled pre-natal meetings, during your last trimester.

E: Additional Postpartum Preparation or Childbirth Education Courses taught by my backup doula, depending on which package you choose.

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On-Call Support Includes:

A: Scheduling my on-call availability based on your due date and being on-call from Week 37 through Week 42 (5 weeks total), until you give birth. This means that I will not travel out-of-state or further than 2 hours from your birthing location. If necessary, I will leave family get-togethers, appointments, or other activities, as your labor and birth become my priority.

B: Being available to come to you when you are in active labor, or sooner, if we both agree that you need earlier support.

C: Joining you, either at your birthing location or possibly at your home, within a window of 1-3 hours of when you: Believe you are in active labor & ask me to be with you.


Labor and Birth Support Includes:

A: Providing continuous labor support by offering emotional comfort through: active listening, providing affirmation, answering questions, giving feedback, verbal imagery, encouragement, and helping you feel understood, heard, and empowered.

B: Giving physical support during active labor, transition, and the pushing stage, through: reminders of what your body may need, comfort touch and counterpressure, suggestions for various positions and movements, and the use of a rebozo, Kaya birth stool, and accupressure combs, if desired.

C: Supplying a Labor TENS (Transcuteous Electrical Nerve Stimlation) unit for alternative (non-medicinal) pain management, if desired.

D: Reminding you and your partner of your birth plan, helping you stay focused on your goals, as well as supporting you through any decision-making or decision-changing. Plus giving you guidance with informed choice and consent if you need to advocate for yourself.

E: Maintaining support throughout any unique circumstances or regardless of the type of birth you have, including but not limited to: an induction, a planned or emergency C-section, a midwife-attended home birth, a transfer to a hospital from home or birth center, a VBAC, the choice to have an epidural, etc.

F. Helping to set the tone that you desire for the birth area and holding that space from distractions or negativity. And if desired, providing ambiance with electric candles and supplying aromatherapy with a diffuser and essential oils.

G. Guiding your partner (if applicable) to feel included and participatory, both emotionally and physically, in the labor and birth process as much as is desired, while also allowing your partner to take breaks, when needed, for rest or food.

H. Offering to document portions of the labor and birth, through simple electronic notes, and giving updates to family members, if so desired, as time and space permits.

I. Taking labor and birth photographs with my camera equipment, if my birth photography services are also purchased, while still giving priority to your emotional and physical needs.

J. Facilitating a relaxed atmosphere for the ‘Golden Hour’ after baby is born through helping to establish bonding moments, skin-to-skin, first latch, and breastfeeding, if desired. Then staying approximately 1-2 hours until you are cleaned up, settled, and comfortable.

K. Taking “Golden Hour" photographs of you, your partner, and baby with my professional camera equipment, if my birth photography services are also purchased. (Or for no extra charge, I am happy to take photos with your phone, if you do not want professional photography.)


Postpartum Support Includes:

A: Visiting you and your new baby in your home and helping you with newborn care or breastfeeding questions.

B: Giving you a chance to talk about and process your birth experience and provide feedback to me, if desired.

C: Providing informational support, community referrals, or any answers to questions about postpartum, breastfeeding, or newborn care, either via text/message or phone call, or during my home visit.

D: Depending on the package you choose, possible additional Postpartum Support, including baby care, baby feeding, lactation support, light housekeeping, in-home meal prep, and more.