Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Odds of A Positive Birth Experience

If you are pregnant, perhaps you are thinking “How can I achieve a positive birth experience?” Of course, ultimately, we hear that as long as mom and baby are healthy, birth stories don’t matter. But that’s just code for: If you both survive, that’s good enough. However, I don’t believe that we should be aiming so low. Birth experiences are pivotal in one’s life and how you remember and perceive what happens will stay with you for your whole life.

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I already have a Midwife, so why do I need a Doula?

Some people don’t fully understand the difference between the roles of a midwife and a doula, while others realize they aren’t the same, but figure that their midwife will do all the “doula” stuff anyway, so they don’t see the need to have both. Let’s clarify the distinct roles of these two types of birth companions and how they both have a part to play in your birth.

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